Friday, November 7, 2008

A Great Reminder

John MacArthur said, "Preaching, not lobbying, is how we are supposed to make the truth known. Gospel, not law, is what changes sinful hearts. Service, not dominion, is the most effective way to win people in any culture. And Christ, not moralism, should be the primary substance of our message."

How true those words are. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter who is in the White House. Laws cannot change the human heart, they may be able to control human behavior, but not what guides a person's behavior. Only the Holy Spirit can change the heart through the blood of Jesus Christ. That's the transforming power of Christ.

Especially in this time, our message must remain the same with the same power as when Paul preached it. It is time for Christians to stand once again, on the firm foundation of God's Word.

Following God's Word is the change we all need.

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